Beyond Argument
The lie is to not know That grace we don’t deserve The answer is beyond reason When we start with an urge to doubt Its not a question of belief Nor the worthlessness of prayer For the hope that he has given Is free to feel and breathe like air Though its profound to not believe And not owe your life to him You still know for a fact that at some point You’ll cry his name at the stretch of your defeat And if everything can be answered By your own wisdom and self-made grace Then this world could’ve solved its problems With the brain evolvement of this race Yes we need his love His wisdom and his hand For all that you can surrender Will return through his master plan And to know that he died for you Is but enough to belong to him His love is beyond you And more than what you can argue Don’t compare his mercy and love To what all of us are capable to give For he knows that we won’t measure To the example he died for so we may live This world has indeed grown in guilt Anxious enough to know what we’re all about But its more sensible still to believe Than to live in fear and grow in doubt When you’re drawn to stand unique By the answers that you seek Know that he’s just waiting For you to ask so he may lead And much of your pains will be spared By that destiny he has prepared Beyond logic that you understand Than that fact you hold true Its then all about love and his wisdom That you would not have to argue Before you could even be critical Of how this world would express their faith Know that they might not be like you Who answers sin through what you do But they seek him anyhow Perhaps crying like a cow And later on simply find out That it takes more than a prayer and a shout To proclaim him as their lord To totally be in his accord That to know him is to follow his will In his silence as they stand still Perhaps you can start by wondering What then could we have been If he doubted our capability And worthiness to stand before him? Then we’ll just live to die Then what you see will all be a lie Then all that you know can never be true And maybe then you can argue That its sensible to live your way Without that sacrifice he could’ve laid |