"What's up now in Pulela world??"
It surprises me how I've failed to find the right inspiration to update my blog when so much had happened since my last entry. Truth is..timing is everything. Between gym class, my worksched and weekend happenings, I'm glad to find myself a wee-bit broke after splurging for my birthday. It finally dawned on me that my next "financial overflow" (sorry can't think of a better term), like blogging..it just happens
Anyway, so what's up? Yes love, it was a beautiful birthday luau. I was so happy feasting with all my friends from all walks of my lifetime that no vodka mix did not work for me. Hula-Hula is now my favorite dining place as it now brings back a fresh smell of new memories from my last birthday. I was successful enough to share the luau dining experience (minus the beach) to my guests. Not one person was neither drunk nor stuffed. Ma'halo to all who came and as my cake goes, it is indeed, a great Aloha 26!
I learned in church that gentleness is "power under control" so there goes my formal drumming class where I learned the fundamentals of power in banging..hehehehehe. It's ironic indeed how this powerful instrument can teach you how to be so gentle. From the stick grip to metronome reading, the art of drumming chokes me up on how to live life. I know its cheezy to bring up all these life lessons when all I wanted to say is "Man! i love playing the drums" but what the heck, this is Pulela world after all. I know that I'm no closer yet to the real rockstar dream but hey, it's never too late. I also know that it won't be long before I arrange some drumbeats on those blogged compositions of mine. This is a nice shot of me on my practice set!

Then I'll say, that's it for now. I would'nt narrate tragic petty parts like some new found love turned semi "break-up" that happened sometime before my bday as i got enough emo room for those on my poems and songs. Anyway, Pulela world ain't Pulela world without my sappy-cheezy lovelorn entries right?! But there's another thing that I learned and it's pretty simple. "Happiness is looking at the ripe apples". In an apple tree, there will always be the unriped fruits, the rotten ones and the yummy ripe ones. Let's just say that at the moment, I'm still chewing on my fresh juicy, red picks :)