Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Now I am really tired of writing sad. It has been a vicious habit which I need to stop. As in now! Am I addicted to melancholy? Of finding words to describe that sweet song of a broken heart? I believe inspiration sets in on the perfect mix of stimulants (read: a new found love then a heartache, heartache then a new found love and so on..). I deserve to finally write about the real romance that I so look forward to..Maybe a little story that brings hope to all love fools out there...LOVE LORNS, Let's unite! This is crazy. Candidly putting it, I have been a favorite student in the "HeartBreak" department. If my theory holds true that this last blow simply says, I've yet to see the best, perhaps its high time to write about anticipation:

This is me waiting
beyond all tears that I've shed
This is me holding
When all hopes have gone dead
You were right on time
In this crazy world of mine.
I have been yours all along,
Darling yours all along

Now I'm glad I have not given up
Honey I am glad I shook your world up
Now hold my hands and don't let go
I'll be with you through sand and snow
You are that love, I'd love to sing
You are that prayer and everything
The lord knows my sweet surrender
He called on you to take on me over

Baby, having you makes all things right
Really glad I fought a good fight
You're my hundred sunshine in a million rays
My bright yellow cosmos playing chase
You're all those stars in my dreamy skies
My heart just leaps as I looked through your eyes

Sweep me off with a sweetened kiss
Intoxicate`me with caffeine bliss
My heart was yearning the minute I've found
That one true love in this world of doubt
Come on closer and dance with me
Loving you, loving me.


Blogger pulela said...

Dear Big Buddha,

First and foremost, why the name? hehehe. I tried posting a comment to your so-called blog but I guess your main intention of creating it is basically what it's realy meant for. Anyway, I bet we'll keep on finding ways to "fence-out" on our agreement and yeah you have a point there, cyberspace indeed is a shared environment.

Seriously, I appreciate everything that has been. You've somehow made your way to my so-called "world" and have shared a lot of your colors (stained it actually..hehehe, joke!). Thanks also for being my distant confidante, my ally, my virtual drinking, driving and beach buddy (remember "bora nights" alone in my hut..sniff!). However, for now, I guess its pretty clear to both of us why this is how it is suppose to be. I am somehow glad this happened at this stage in our lives when we're both mature enough to see beyond our needs. I guess "unselfishness" goes with age huh?! (so that makes you the most generous and thoughtful person between the two of us..hehehe).

Yep, time to move on to greater things ;) Aloha and God Bless!

April 14, 2006 at 12:18 AM  

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