Monday, February 07, 2005

Another bora weekend

Spent another weekend at Bora..a spontaneous trip but with all the unexpected luxury. My aunt from the states was kind enough to treat me to a grand pre-holiday bathe. It was cool. Got a tan, new turquoise bikini and a glimmer tattoo in my neck. Was feverish with my colds but the beach healed me. I loved bora with the fresh unfamiliarity it brings. The beauty of anticipation keeps me alive as I look forward to staring closely at the sunset and being one with the million grains of white sand. The beach indeed is one of the few characters in nature that loves me. It does'nt mind if I walk along with little pieces of clothing nor does it scare me when I almost step at a starfish. It never ceases to amaze me by just being a paradise a plane ride away. It guarantees me that no matter what, it will always be there waiting for me for another trip.


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